Helpme-Plugin WordPress‏

QuestionsHelpme-Plugin WordPress‏
Yamil asked 12 years ago

I'm creating a plugin for wordpress, the plugin only works on the back end.
When I try to use phpgrid only shows me the json object.
In my first line of my plugin I'm writing this:
include (".. / wp-content / plugins / pluginHojaAtencion / new-technician / lib / inc / jqgrid_dist.php");
But when I see the source code of this line is after the. Js and css includes default wordpress.
You know any way to fix this.
Because according to what I read in the forums you request to include include (".. / Wp-content / plugins / pluginHojaAtencion / new-technician / lib / inc / jqgrid_dist.php") before an echo.

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

For wordpress integration, you need to use 2 actions.

// load core lib and set grid $out variable (global)
add_action("wp_loaded", "init_phpgrid");

// load js and css files
add_action( "wp_head", "load_jqgrid" );

// added short code for display position, and print $out global variable
add_shortcode( "phpgrid", "render_phpgrid" );

Yamil answered 12 years ago

I sent him an email explaining my problem better
I hope I can help.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Working wordpress plugin sent to your email. Closing this thread.

Anonymous answered 12 years ago

Would be nice to see a functioning skeleton plugin with all of this working.

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