Hide/Disable custom buttons on load in the grid header?

QuestionsHide/Disable custom buttons on load in the grid header?
Tim Moore asked 3 years ago

If a column in the grid meets a condition (at any time), I would like to hide/disable a few custom buttons in the grid header. is there an [“add_option”] that can read custom header buttons. Or is there and easier way to do this?

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var unit = “<?php echo $uid ?>”;
var job = “<?php echo $jid ?>”;
jQuery(‘#<?php echo $g->id?>’).jqGrid(‘navButtonAdd’, ‘#<?php echo $g->id?>_pager’,
‘caption’ : ‘Drag and Drop’,
‘buttonicon’ : ‘ui-icon-arrow-4’,
‘onClickButton’ : function()
$(document).ready(function () {
window.location.href = “assets/equipment/unit_eq_dd.php?unit=” + unit + “&job=” + job;
‘position’: ‘last’








3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Closest demo code is http://jqgrid/dev/demos/editing/column-access.phps

Line 39, 198

It will disable certain buttons if the select row gender’s column is of certain value.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

You can also do following:

Set ID (e.g. emailSelected) for your toolbar buttons:

jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('navButtonAdd', '#list1_pager',
	'id'      	: 'emailSelected',
	'caption'      	: 'Email Selected',
	'buttonicon'   	: 'ui-icon-extlink',

Connect loadComplete event:

$grid["loadComplete"] = "function(){ gridLoad(); }";

On load grid event, traverse all data using JS and if certain data is found in column (e.g. id = 39), hide buttons.

function gridLoad()
	var rows = $('#list1').getRowData();
	for (var i=0;i<rows.length;i++)
		if (rows[i].id == '39')
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Tim Moore answered 3 years ago


This was what I was looking for. I need to buy a book on jquery.

Again, you support is always above and beyond.



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