highlight row after row has been edited

Questionshighlight row after row has been edited
Peter asked 10 years ago

Hi I am secretary of a snooker league, Because I have team delegates who can alter player stats on a grid, I want to know if it is possible to highlight a row in a table after it has been edited so I know when I log on to the website I know which player information has been altered, I have had a play with conditional formatting but not yet worked out which is the best way to go about it.
Regards Pete

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Grid does not have any persistence function.
One need to implement it manually in database table.

For e.g. one solution could be:

You can have your last login time in table, and updated-time in table.
Now if your updated-time is greater than your last login time, you can use formatter to highlight that rows.

For time comparison and formatting, refer demos/appr/conditional-format.php > invdate_calc column.

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