hightlight and big data

Questionshightlight and big data
Michael asked 2 years ago


can i hightlight string in the grid from my search input ?

How many lines maximum to support your grid ? the big data is possible ?


2 Answers
Mike answered 2 years ago

I’m not aware of how to highlight the search-string from search, but I suspect it might be possible with a call-back event to the OnLoad. I would check the appearance demos.

As far as the size of report, there is no limit that I’ve found.

I have some reports with hundreds of thousands of rows. The limitation comes from how many the web-browser can display at once and if you try to export a very large report.



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

Search input highlighting in the filtered rows is not currently supported.

For page loading, as Mike said, there is not limit. You can always use lazy loading which loads data when you scroll more.

Refer this: https://www.gridphp.com/docs/misc-faqs/#q-performance-of-large-tables-in-grid-4-php as well.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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