how can filter record of other grid on click of grid item ?

Questionshow can filter record of other grid on click of grid item ?
Saurabh Arora asked 3 years ago

We need ” whenever click on grid row item , it will filter record of related grid without refreshed page”.



2 Answers
Gary Wilson answered 3 years ago

I am building an application that has two grids on the page. Clicking on a car in the top grid passes details such as the car model to the lower grid and it displays only cars of this model, for example. The entire page is not refreshed it seems, only the lower grid. Are you looking for something similar? If so, you need to use the master-detail grid feature shown at Master Detail Grid – Grid 4 PHP Framework Docs (

The subgridparams plus the key field of the row you clicked on will be available for the SQL of the lower (detail) grid as $_GET variables.

Hope this helps

Saurabh Arora answered 3 years ago

No in my case we are using Dj tabs.

we need to filter record on click(Smart Log Tab as sharing image below) then corresponding Tab like Assets Tab should be activate and record should be filter by search or should be open edit form for specific record and it will filter specific record from whole entry , not for only first page of pagination.

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