How change a value in a cell for a icon…

QuestionsHow change a value in a cell for a icon…
Manuel Torres asked 12 years ago

Hi and Congratulation for this great component,

I`d like to change the value of a cell (value 1 or value 0), for a icon (.png).
If the value is 1, the icon would be ok.png, or value 0 = icon notgood.png.

I´ve been using something like this : "formatter"]= "js:formatpdf";
and a js funtion…


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

You can refer this update. See docs for more.

If you are using licensed version, This sample is avaialble in demos/appearence/conditional-data.php

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

The demo perhaps, little different from what you are expecting.

Refer > Conditional Content

Manuel Torres answered 12 years ago

Ok, sure! is a bit diferent, but it could be done with that…only that Im using free version…(I`m testing and improving my PHP coding),

anyway thanks so much!

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