How do I get Data before updating

QuestionsHow do I get Data before updating
John N asked 7 years ago

I am trying the code below.
When I add the line: $datab4=$data; it prevents saving the update-probably a code error in do_onselect?

function do_onselect(id)
var rd = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getCell', id, 'company'); // where invdate is column name

then (to log only fields changed):

function update_log($data)
global $g,$THISTABLE,$resultbefore,$datab4; foreach($data[params] as $k=>$d)
//global $StringID;
//global $user;
//$achgs2=$achgs2."(`action`,`attribute_name`,`new_value`, `updated_by`) VALUES ('Update', '$k','$d', '$user')";
if ($db4<>$d and $k<>"LastUpdated" and $k<>"seqnum") {
$achgs2=$achgs2."[$k][$db4[$i]] to [$d]"; }

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago


I don't fully understand your query.
The code '$datab4=$data;' is php code which cannot be placed in JS code section of do_onselect(id).

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