How to insert paragraph in a textarea field in excel view?

QuestionsHow to insert paragraph in a textarea field in excel view?
Francisco José Segura Noya asked 8 years ago

Hello Abu

How to insert paragraph in a textarea field in excel view?


$col["edittype"] = "textarea"; // render as textarea on edit
$col["editoptions"] = array("rows"=>6, "cols"=>42); // with these attributes

When I write in this textarea, I can not create paragraphs.

Thank you

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


This seems to be a bug. I'll be updating you after fix.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


Sorry for the delay. This bug fix took a lot of our time.

Refer this working demo code, line 83,150 have changes for fix.

Francisco Javier Jiménez answered 8 years ago

Tanks Abu.

This works well.

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