Hi i\’m write js code and think that get table data, it wrong how change code to load table on ajax? thnx $(\’table#forms\’).on(\’click\’, \’tr\’, async function () { let id = $(this).attr(\’id\’) // $(\’iframe\’).attr(\’src\’, \'{{route(\’fields\’)}}?rowid=\’ + $(id).data(\’id\’)).css(\’display\’, \’block\’) let table = await $.get(\'{{route(\’fields\’)}}?rowid=\’ + $(id).data(\’id\’)) + \’&grid_id=forms&_search=false&nd=1707725095760&rows=20&jqgrid_page=1&sidx=1&sord=asc\’ $(\’#forms\’).jqGrid(table) })
Please refer this code for loading grid with ajax call.
Does this code have a working demo? because it doesn’t work for me – I don’t understand why
This is just for idea. Master-detail feature is supported in the full version.
You can use similar ajax call and try loading your grid page.