How to refresh grid on update of dependent dropdown.

QuestionsHow to refresh grid on update of dependent dropdown.
Jawad asked 7 years ago

How to reproduce:
1., select Appearance>Dropdown Country City.
2. Select Punjab from first dropdown.
3. Select Lahore from 2nd dropdown.
4. Now Select Sind from first dropdown, this will reset the 2nd dropdown and '-' is selected in 2nd dropdown as there is no more 'Lahore' in options. But this should also show 'ALL' records for Sind in grid. I've to select some city, and then select the '-' option to show all records of Sind in grid.

Can I achieve the desired result?


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

I've regenerated this issue and will be updating this ticket.

Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

Emailed you an update that should fix it.

DGea answered 7 years ago

Dear Abu,
Would you send me updated files? Thanks.

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