How to refresh without losing current page position?

QuestionsHow to refresh without losing current page position?
zahira abdala asked 2 years ago

Hi everyone, I want to know if it´s possible refresh the page using
<meta http-equiv=’refresh’ content=’300′> but without lossing the possition.

I mean if Im in the page 45 and in that moment happens the refresh, I need to keep in page 45

2 Answers
Abu answered 2 years ago

If you are loading whole page, you can use session and preserve last page.

If you need to reload just grid, you can call reload function in setTimeout(). Refer:

Another option is to use state persistence.

Abu answered 2 years ago

A correction, to keep calling certain JS function after and interval, you need to setInterval() instead of setTimeout (). Refer some js web help for usage.

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