
Harold Jung asked 6 years ago

In Treegrid demos,
I want to show id, So i code set_columns($cols). But that is not work..
How to selecting columns in treegrid?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago


May be it is no more required but replying this ticket just to help others.

In Treegrid, first column is hidden by default to make hierarchical appearance. If you wish to display ID, you can alias it as another column (other than PK name) in SQL select command and make a new column in grid.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
migul replied 5 years ago

en el demo en la nube DE PHPGRID FUNCIONA ANTIGUO

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 5 years ago

Ok, i’ve updated website demo. You can check here:

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