I need a little select command help!

QuestionsI need a little select command help!
mike asked 11 years ago

Hello, right now I have a gird that is bound to a table like so
$g->table = "[pltdata].[dbo].[Web_BoneyardTable]";

Now I have been asked to filter the grid so only certain "grades" of material show. Grade is one of my table fields. I assume I need to follow the convention below, but not sure how I would do it. I will need to show multiple grades so I think it would be grade = 'value1' ot grade = 'value2' etc…
//$g->select_command = "select * from (select * from invheader) as o";

// pass the cooked columns to grid

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Yes, it should work with select_command.

$g->select_command = "select * [pltdata].[dbo].[Web_BoneyardTable] where grade = 'value1' ot grade = 'value2'";

mike answered 11 years ago

Now i get this
$g->select_command = "select * [pltdata].[dbo].[Web_BoneyardTable] where grade = 'value1' ot grade = 'value2'";

Looking through the forum as well

mike answered 11 years ago

Nevermind I found my issue, I missed the FROM keyword.
Hope that doesn't setup the type of day I'm going to have!

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