I try to insert the grid view into my page and i cant, i dont know why

QuestionsI try to insert the grid view into my page and i cant, i dont know why
Daniel asked 11 years ago

I try to insert the grid view into my page and i cant, i dont know why


{"page":"1","total":1,"records":"3","rows":[{… data of my db…}

If i use it on a html page from 0 its works, but with my page with my images, forms, etc it dnst work.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Most likely you have some white spaces echoed before $g->render() function.
This function must be called before any html is sent to response otherwise proper JSON data is not received by grid and show this error.

Daniel answered 11 years ago

Its works! but a new problem the grid view displays at the top of the page, not where i need to displays it. How i do to move it?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


The line,
$out = $g->render('list1'); returns the variable.

Now you can place the $out variable where you wish to show the grid.

Refer demos for working sample.

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