If i have 2 primary key?

QuestionsIf i have 2 primary key?
Daniel Febres asked 10 years ago

I have a table with 2 primary key, how can i set 2 primary key?
$col = array();
$col["title"] = "FK_Franquicia";
$col["name"] = "FK_Franquicia";
$col["width"] = "0";
$col["editable"] = true;
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col["title"] = "FK_Servicio";
$col["name"] = "FK_Servicio";
$col["width"] = "0";
$col["editable"] = true;
$cols[] = $col;

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

For composite keys – there are two possible approaches:

1) Creating a new AUTO_INCREMENT column directly in the database, so that each row has a unique id, then using this column for primary key. You can hide the column using hidden => true.

2) In your SELECT statement (select_command), you may try to select a first column as special concat value that is based on composite keys. This will handle the listings. For insert/update/delete, you will need to use custom events on_update/on_insert/on_delete to parse the new concat field and perform desired operation. Refer demos/editing/custom-events.php for help.

// example code 1

$g->select_command = "SELECT concat(pk1,'-',pk2) as pk, col2, col3 FROM table";

$e["on_insert"] = array("add_client", null, true);

function add_client($data)
$pk = $data["params"]["pk"];
list(pk1, pk2) = explode("-",$pk);

$data["params"]["pk1"] = $pk1; // setting $data will make sure it will be there in INSERT SQL
$data["params"]["pk2"] = $pk2;

// example code 2

// Step1: Select concatenated PK with combined composite key
$g->select_command = "SELECT concat(Year_No,'-',Order_No,'-',LocationID,'-',TranscationId) as pk, Year_No, Order_No, LocationID, TranscationId, Startdate, ExpiredDate FROM mylocations ";

// Step2: Connect on_update event hander
$e["on_update"] = array("update_data", null, false);

// Step3: In handler, split the PK with your separator, and execute custom UPDATE query
function update_data($data)
list($Year_No,$Order_No,$LocationID,$TranscationId) = explode("-",$data["pk"]);

$s = array();
foreach($data["params"] as $k=>$v)
$s[] = "$k = '$v'";
$s = implode(",",$s);

$w = "Year_No=$Year_No and Order_No=$Order_No and LocationID=$LocationID and TranscationId=$TranscationId";

mysql_query("UPDATE mylocations set $s WHERE $w");

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