Implicit value for a column when importing via CSV

QuestionsImplicit value for a column when importing via CSV
Tacitus Kilgore asked 2 years ago

Hello Abu,

I’m developing a Grid whose main purpose is to proccess data imported as CSV. That proccess is working perfectly but I need to add one more functionality:

The user will provide a CSV with the fields “Name” and “Address”, but the database has a third field “City” that has to be automatically filled with a value chosen by the user via a combobox.

So: Let’s say the user chose the City “C”, and it’s value is correctly stored in a PHP variable. Now, for that session, every row that is added with the import tool should contain ‘C’ in the City column. That column was not passed via CSV.

I hope my question is well explained, thanks in advance!

2 Answers
Tacitus Kilgore answered 2 years ago

Just to be clear: I’m wondering if I can implement that functionality directly, or how can I tweak the code of the import tool (step1-step2-step3.php) to make this work. Thanks

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


For this purpose we support on_import event where you can have such customizations. Line 50,53

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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