Import CSV file

QuestionsImport CSV file
Joseph asked 11 years ago

I just purchased php grid control. Can you explain how I can import a csv file into grid so user can look at data before submitting data for additional queries.

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


The import feature is not there right now. Infact it's in development line.
These are the steps i am planning to have:

1) Import button in grid, Click import and select file
2) Show imported file top 10 lines with headers of grid (column 1 of csv = col 1 of grid)
3) Final submit button to import all csv in phpgrid table

If you can suggest some improvement, let me know.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

It's still not supported.

For now, i would recommend to use PHPMyadmin import function OR use some other csv import to db script.

Talha answered 10 years ago

Do we have this "CSV Import" feature in the latest version?


Vijay Tanikella answered 9 years ago

Is import from Excel / CSV available in the v2.0 ?

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


It's still not supported. You can refer some good article for manual php code. e.g.

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