I have a php page which generates grid "jobs_datagrid.php" and I would like to include this grid in another web page index.php.
I have added the line php include 'jobs_datagrid.php'; in index.php.
The grid shows up but with no data.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
Let me correct my post. If I directly call the grid webpage http://localhost:8080/phpgrid/jobs_datagrid.php then the grid displays with data.
When I include above grid web page in my index.php (http://localhost:8080/index.php) using php include then the grid does not show up.
Checked using Firebug. No errors are being reported.
Checked the paths of css and js files. Everything looks good.
what am i missing here?
Thank you in advance.
solved the issue causing the grid not be displayed.
I had to correct to path of the jquery js files.
I'm trying to include the grid in a webpage but I'm facing an error. Actually the Grid is shown without data with an Error subwindow which displays the page (again inside) with the data as an array. I'm shore that I'm doing something wrong but what?
The structure si something like this:
Index (with HTML head) <- calling function to check login {
calling function to display different things {
include(grid.php[only the php part])
I'm using absolute path as links to files:
Path of index = dirname(__FILE__).'/';
Path to jqgrid_dist.php = Path of index + Path to directory (relative to index)
When I'm putting again the HTML code (<head> things and <div>s) in grid.php and go directly to grid.php (not through index) the grid is shown ok.