inline add / edit save button wont work after navigate using arrow

Questionsinline add / edit save button wont work after navigate using arrow
Grayson asked 9 years ago

while using inline add (not inline edit), and press the button arrow up or down (to navigate the grid), the grid action save/delete button wont work but using enter on keyboard still able to submit. inline edit still work tho, this problem only occured while using inline edit

i need a workaround to solve the problem, so the action button still work
such as to disable the button navigation arrow while inline edit so the focus locked on inline add only

(therefore, using multiselect ,always lock the focus in inline so the action button still worked)

2 Answers
Grayson answered 9 years ago

this problem only occured while using inline add*

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

I am unable to understand your query after reading it multiple times.
Can you share screenshot to further explain the issue.


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