Inline edit – mulitple rows in edit mode?

QuestionsInline edit – mulitple rows in edit mode?
Richard Kooijman asked 12 years ago

Hi Abu,
I'm using phpgrid-full-v1.4.8.3
When using life demo "ïnline-add" and clicking "edit" on each following row, the "save" on the previous row is changing back to "edit", however sometimes when clicking, a dialog "WARNING Please, select row" appears and all previous clicked rows sudden show "save".
When using the same demo file on my own pc (running WAMPSERVER) the previous row stays on "save" and seems to stay in edit mode.
How can this be solved as I can not have the situation where more rows are in edit mode at the same time. I rather would have the situation where the edited row must be either saved or canceled before another row can be selected or edited.
Br. Richard

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


For multiple row editing at same time, you can review sample demos > editing > default-edit.php
Inline add sample does not have multiple row editing option.

For issues, i've emailed you an update.

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