Inlineadd causes extra toolbar buttons with subgrid expand

QuestionsInlineadd causes extra toolbar buttons with subgrid expand
Jeremy asked 8 years ago

I have a grid/subgrid setup. But if I enable inlineadd on the subgrid, each time I hit the "+" to expand a subgrid, the subgrid toolbar *and* the main grid toolbar each render extra buttons for every action (add, edit, save, etc). It is non-linear, so by the time I've expanded 3 subgrids I have 16 of each button (it goes 2, 5, 16 and then becomes impossible to count bc they run off the edge). If I just expand and collapse a single subgrid, it continuously adds new buttons, incrementally by one.

This is also the case with the SubGrid demo. So, is there just no way to do inlineadd with a subgrid?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

This bug is fixed in latest build, which i just emailed to you.

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