inner join – error: missing column

Questionsinner join – error: missing column
Thomas asked 2 years ago

Hello there,

maybe I’m blind, but I can’t see what I’m doing wrong. Have an “inner join db-query”, and ‘am getting an error when trying to update an entry. All selections are displayed correctly in grid.

I have this code (snippet):
$g->select_command = "select p.products_id,p.products_quantity,p.products_model,p.products_price,p.products_price*1.19 as vatprice,p.products_date_added,p.products_last_modified,p.products_ordered,s.products_name,s.language_id,s.products_viewed from products p
inner join products_description s on s.products_id = p.products_id WHERE language_id = '2'";

// this db table will be used for add,edit,delete
$g->table = “products”;

// you can customize your own columns …
$col = array();
$col[“title”] = “ID”;
$col[“name”] = “products_id”;
$col[“width”] = “12”;
$col[“editable”] = false;
$cols[] = $col;

$col = array();
$col[“title”] = “Artikel Bezeichnung”;
$col[“name”] = “products_name”;
$col[“width”] = “80”;
$col[“editable”] = true;
$col[“align”] = “right”;
$col[“search”] = true;
$cols[] = $col;

When trying to edit a row I get this error:

Couldn’t execute query. Unknown column ‘products_name’ in ‘field list’ – UPDATE products SET `products_name`=’Antennenverstärker 4-fach – CATV – Rückkanal’,`products_quantity`=’100.0000′,`products_model`=’tv-vsbk-rk’,`products_price`=’15.5378′,…..

As you can see I have 2 tables, set as “p” and “s”. The column ‘products_name’ exists in “s”.
Do I have any mistake in my syntax?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

By default datagrid do updates on the table provided by ->table property. If you wish to update multiple table or have some custom code logic, you can use on_update event. Refer docs:

Sample code for your case below:

$e["on_update"] = array("update_prod", null, true);

function update_prod($data)
	// update join table
	global $g;
	$g->execute_query("UPDATE products_description SET products_name = '".$data["products_name"]."' WHERE products_id = ".$data["products_id"]);

	// remove field not to update main table
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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