Hi everyone 🙂
Had someone by chance a similar experience/problem with the phpgrid ? I have the following events deposited the grids :
$e["on_insert"] = array("add_client", $this, true);
$e["on_delete"] = array("del_client", $this, true);
$e["on_clone"] = array("custom_clone", $this, true);
$e["on_update"] = array("update_client", $this, true);
$e["on_data_display"] = array("filter_display_d",$this, true);
The events "on_insert" and "on_data_display" doing their work; the three other events do nothing. No error, the ajax calls are okay and post correct data und get well formed json (but with the delete or without the new record).
The associated functions are not called.
The function names are correct , and even if I only want to print a string within the functionbodys – > nothing happens.
I have no idea how and where I can look for the error.
I have paste my code here:
Thatßs not all code, but the code for the defintion of one grid.
I stand in contact with Abu about this problem and he gave me help (as with every question; great of him!) and this should not be a double-post [ but we could not find my problem] – I only hope here is someone who have a similiar experience and can help me.
Here are some example sql statements for insert, clone and delete (but the update sql statements) [these are typo3 template variables and i save this statements at script start in string-variables]
temp.info.sql=SELECT uid,internebemerkung,fk_flug,fk_transfer,fk_safari,fk_hotel,fertig FROM 0_price_reisepakete
temp.info.sqlcheck=SELECT count(*) as c from 0_price_reisepakete where fk_flug='{$data["params"]["fk_flug"]}' AND fk_transfer='{$data["params"]["fk_transfer"]}' AND fk_safari='{$data["params"]["fk_safari"]}' AND fk_hotel='{$data["params"]["fk_hotel"]}'
temp.info.sqlinsert=INSERT INTO 0_price_reisepakete VALUES (null,'{$data["params"]["internebemerkung"]}','{$data["params"]["fk_flug"]}','{$data["params"]["fk_transfer"]}','{$data["params"]["fk_safari"]}', '{$data["params"]["fk_hotel"]}', '{$data["params"]["fertig"]}')
temp.info.sqlupdate=UPDATE 0_price_reisepakete SET internebemerkung='{$data["params"]["internebemerkung"]}', fk_flug='{$data["params"]["fk_flug"]}', fk_transfer='{$data["params"]["fk_transfer"]}', fk_safari='{$data["params"]["fk_safari"]}', fk_hotel='{$data["params"]["fk_hotel"]}', fertig='{$data["params"]["fertig"]}' WHERE uid='{$data["params"]["uid"]}'
temp.info.sqldelete=DELETE FROM 0_price_reisepakete WHERE uid='{$data["params"]["uid"]}'
temp.info.sqlclone=INSERT INTO 0_price_reisepakete ($fields_str) SELECT $fields_str FROM 0_price_reisepakete WHERE uid = $src_id