Integration with Laravel 8

QuestionsIntegration with Laravel 8
Alimul Razi asked 3 years ago

Is there any documentation for grid php with laravel 8.x? if you have then please send me the step by step guideline to integrate

7 Answers
Abu answered 3 years ago

Try this guide:

It should work with v8 as well. If you are facing any issue, please let me know.

Alimul razi answered 3 years ago

It does not work showing the following error:
Undefined array key “hiddengrid”


function set_actions($v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6) { if (empty($v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6))
$v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6 = array();if (empty($this->vebb67a4271abe715344471b0f16321f6))
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$this->vebb67a4271abe715344471b0f16321f6[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3] = array();$v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3] = array_merge($v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3],$this->
$this->vebb67a4271abe715344471b0f16321f6 = array_merge($this->vebb67a4271abe715344471b0f16321f6,$v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6); }
function set_options($options) { if (empty($v47c80780ab608cc046f2a6e6f071feb6))
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if (isset($options[AACQ]))
unset($this->options[AACQ]);foreach($options as $v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3=>$v9e3669d19b675bd57058fd4664205d2a)
if (is_array($v9e3669d19b675bd57058fd4664205d2a)) { if (!isset($this->options[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3]))
$this->options[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3] = array();$options[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3] = array_merge($this->options[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3],$options[$v8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3]); }
$this->options = array_merge($this->options,$options);$this->options[AAER] = $this->f389075761175c3858a508121b85d9470($this->options[AAER]);$this->options[AAEW] = $this->options[AAER];$this->options[AAEY] = $this->options[AAER];if (isset($this->optio
$this->options[AASO] = $this->options[AASM] . $this->options[AASO];$vd89018e3792bceaf431470e413445a57 = AABF;if ($this->options[AAEG][AAEH] === true && $this->options[AAHP] !== true) { $vd89018e3792bceaf431470e413445a57 = AASP; } else { $vd89018e3792
$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32fff40[AAFI][AASS] = $vd89018e3792bceaf431470e413445a57;$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32fff40[AAFW][AASS] = $vd89018e3792bceaf431470e413445a57;$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32fff40[AAGA][AASS] = $vd89018e3792bc
$this->options[AAII] = AAIL; }
if ($this->options[AAEG][AAHI] == AAHK) { $v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908 = ($this->options[AAFI][AAFR] == false) ? AASZ : AATB;$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32fff40[AAFI][AASS] .= ‘
var gid = formid.attr(“id”).replace(“FrmGrid_”,“”);jQuery(“#editmod” + gid).‘.$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908.’center();‘;$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908 = ($this->options[AAFW][AAFR] == false) ? AASZ : AATB;$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32f
var gid = formid.attr(“id”).replace(“FrmGrid_”,””);jQuery(“#editmod” + gid).’.$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908.‘center();’;$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908 = ($this->options[AAGA][AAFR] == false) ? AASZ : AATB;$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32f
var gid = formid.attr(“id”).replace(“DelTbl_”,“”);jQuery(“#delmod” + gid).‘.$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908.’center();‘;$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908 = ($this->options[AAGC][AAFR] == false) ? AASZ : AATB;$this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32fff
var gid = formid.attr(“id”).replace(“ViewGrid_”,””);var h = jQuery(window).height() * 0.75;jQuery(“form.FormGrid”).css(“maxHeight”, h);jQuery(“#viewmod” + gid).’.$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908.‘center();’;$v8056768f294a59690ab43daa1a46b908 = ($th
if ($this->options[AAHN] !== false) { $this->vd1efad72dc5b17dc66a46767c32fff40[AAHN] = true;unset($this->options[AAHN]); }
if ($this->options[AAHP] == true) { $v4a9fad93a839bab9253b784cf80532f8 = AABF;if (!empty($this->options[AATD])) { $v4a9fad93a839bab9253b784cf80532f8 = AATF.$this->options[AATD].AATG;unset($this->options[AATD]); }
$this->options[AATD] = “function(rowid, e) { var grid = jQuery(this), rows = this.rows,
startId = grid.jqGrid(‘getGridParam’, ‘selrow’), startRow, endRow, iStart, iEnd, i, rowidIndex;if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) {
startRow = rows.namedItem(startId);endRow = rows.namedItem(rowid);if (startRow && endRow) {
iStart = Math.min(startRow.rowIndex, endRow.rowIndex);rowidIndex = endRow.rowIndex;iEnd = Math.max(startRow.rowIndex, rowidIndex);var selected = grid.jqGrid(‘getGridParam’,’selarrrow’);for (i = iStart; i <= iEnd; i++) {
if(selected.indexOf(rows[i].id) < 0 && i != rowidIndex) {
grid.jqGrid(‘setSelection’, rows[i].id, true); } } }
if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) { document.selection.empty(); } else if(window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } }

Meeoun answered 3 years ago

Im having same issue with php 8 and new version of this program

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

I reviewed the case and found that php8 is marking undefined key notice as ‘warning’. I’ll be testing more and updating the build.

A quick temporary fix is to skip the warning from being reported. e.g.

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_DEPRECATED);
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff replied 3 years ago

Forget to mentione, this needs to be modified at the top of jqgrid_dist.php file.

Meeoun answered 3 years ago

There appears to be another issue with PHP8.   The previously mentioned fix works for display, but if you go to export data, you get the following error.  It seems PHP8 may not be appropriately supported yet?  I will probably back my PHP back down to version 7 for the time being.




Abu answered 2 years ago

This is fixed in latest build which uses newer version of phpexcel lib.

jie answered 2 years ago

I\’m using version 2.8 build 20210819-1849 and i\’m still having same issue: Undefined array key \”hiddengrid\” in jqgrid_dist.php

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 2 years ago

A quick temporary fix is to skip the warning from being reported. e.g.
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_DEPRECATED);

You can refer this:

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