Is it possible to filter phpgrid data with more than one field(Search Json)?

QuestionsIs it possible to filter phpgrid data with more than one field(Search Json)?
toki asked 12 years ago

Hi abu,

Is it possible to filter phpgrid data with more than one field(Search Json)?

e.g. WHERE NOT (i.mk_id=102 and ne ba'A ') ne= not equal
(written to ged rid of for invalid characters message)




6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Yes, it work as expected. If you are having some issues, email me the code for review.

toki answered 12 years ago

Hi Abu,

WHERE NOT (i.mk_id=102 and ne ba'A ') ne= not equal

As you see where we put NOT of the above sql query in the Search Jsson Code ?


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

You can write this with NOT too.

toki answered 12 years ago

Hi Abu,

I think I could not explain my question clearly to you.

WHERE NOT (i.mk_id=102 and ne ba'A ') ne= not equal

I am asking in below code where "NOT" can be placed to work same as above SQL code;




Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Yes, i understand what you asked. Alternate solution is to negate the conditions and change AND to OR. (d'morgan). This will produce same result.



toki answered 12 years ago


Now it is clear NOT can not be used for search Json like used in SQL query.
I will try to solve with De_Morgan's_laws.

Thank you.

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