Is it possible to search in phpgrid with search options between two date ranges

QuestionsIs it possible to search in phpgrid with search options between two date ranges
toki asked 12 years ago

Hi Abu,

Is it possible to search in phpgrid with search options between two date ranges?
I want to search in a date field from startdate to endDate.


9 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

You can use search dialog and add 2 criteria (< and >) for date field.

toki answered 12 years ago

Hi Abu,

I have tried but it seems like not working beacuse only equal can be chosed for date filter search options. ge, le, and others can not be chosen.


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Update emailed to you.

Steve B. answered 12 years ago

Hello Abu,

I am also trying to search between two dates. Using version 1483. Is there a patch for this or other fix / workaround?


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Updated lib sent to your email.

Syarifu Adam answered 12 years ago

Is this for paid version only? I can't select ge, le and some others in free version.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Currently yes, but most likely will be there in next version of free pack.


Stan answered 11 years ago

I need this functionality too in my grid.

Is the lib in this question included in the current release?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Yes, it is available in latest build.

Search button in toolbar allow you to add multiple search conditions.
You can apply greater than & less than conditions on date field.

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