Is the creation of master-detail data possible?

QuestionsIs the creation of master-detail data possible?
JimL asked 3 years ago


I am considering purchasing this product for a client and am attempting to evaluate whether it can fulfill my client’s needs.

The needs are very simple actually.  First, they need to be able to create/query/insert/delete from and into a mysql database table.  That table is a “master” table in a master/detail relationship and is called “teams”, and has very simple data like an id (primary key), a team name and a few other details.  My client needs to have access to what i would call a “subgrid” where the user could select a team in the master grid and be provided with some sort of interface to then be able to create/insert/update “team members” for the chosen team (a ‘subgrid’).  The “team members” table is a detail table in the relationship (team=master, team_member=detail).  The user could add/update/delete team members for the selected row in the main (master) grid.

In short, the user would be able to create and maintain fairly simple master/detail table relationships using this Grid4PHP datagrid framework.  Could someone please tell me if this is possible with this tool?  The demos do not contain any examples of this that i can see.  If there is one in existence, a simple link to it would be fantastic!

Many thanks!

1 Answers
Abu answered 3 years ago


If I understand correctly, That’s definitely doable with datagrid. If you email me your database, I can create and send a basic demo with your scenario. You can email me at [email protected].

You can refer these demos.

1) Using Master detail:

2) Using Subgrid:

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