issue after moving database server

Questionsissue after moving database server
mike asked 11 years ago

asked the other day but now can't find my posting. Anyway we had to move our db to a new server. I made changes to db_conf section of the php that makes up my template for the page, but grid still doesn't work. The WP site is still on the same server running IIS and the PHP ms sql driver. Only thing that changed is server name.Are there other changes I need to make I am overlooking?

5 Answers
mike answered 11 years ago

This is where it if faiing
$grade_lookup = $g->get_dropdown_values("select distinct grade as k, grade as v from Web_BoneyardTable where grade = 'SP300' or grade = 'SP350' or grade = '41X40' or grade = '00P20' or grade = 'P20HH' or grade = 'SP400' or grade = 'MEC75' or grade = 'MEC90' or grade = 'HP370'");

error is
Couldn't execute query. SQLState: IMSSP Error Code: -14 Message: An invalid parameter was passed to sqlsrv_query. – select my distinct grade as k, grade as v from Web_BoneyardTable where grade = 'SP300' or grade = 'SP350' or grade = '41X40' or grade = '00P20' or grade = 'P20HH' or grade = 'SP400' or grade = 'MEC75' or grade = 'MEC90' or grade = 'HP370'

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


Looks to be a server config setting issue. Refer this link:

mike answered 11 years ago

Abu, brought the old server back on-line to test and the grid works right away. So it has to be something on the new sql box itself I assume? One thing I noticed is on the old server both the sql agent and the sql server services startup as network service, while the new sql box has the services running under a domain user. Thoughts or suggestions?

mike answered 11 years ago

Got it working, it was the account that IIS is using for Anonymous Authentication. Co worker that setup the new SQL box was unaware that I had a user that needed DB rights

mike answered 11 years ago

Got it working, it was the account that IIS is using for Anonymous Authentication. Co worker that setup the new SQL box was unaware that I had a user that needed DB rights

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