Issue with Grid Toolbar on Mobile Device cutting off

QuestionsIssue with Grid Toolbar on Mobile Device cutting off
James Davis asked 3 years ago

When using a mobile device or Google Dev mode to shorten the width it seems the XS,SM and MD display sizes of grid have a issue with the Toolbar height getting cut in half. Once I make the width of the browser wide enough to render in LG and XL sizes the grid changes the Toolbar look and feel and it renders fine. Any idea how to fix this so the toolbar looks right when smaller screen widths?

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4 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Currently I’m unable to get the screenshot you mentioned.

If you try this online, by opening any demo e.g.

and resizing browser to small screen size, it shows toolbar correctly.

Please share the grid code (mainly the grid options) to regenerate the case.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
James Davis answered 3 years ago

The link you sent is not a responsive Grid as your grid renders zoomed out in my phone. Versus as you see in my screenshot my grid is responsively adding columns based on each column set.

here is the grid options and code


James Davis answered 3 years ago

So looking more into this I have some CSS that is causing the issue but cannot figure out where in the CSS. If I remove this CSS below entirely then the GRID will display property toolbar when under 768px wide but there is some kind of @media tag in your got where min width 768px and when that is hit the issue happens. The toolbar looks fine with my included CSS when width is greater than 768px but as soon as width is less than 768px and I have my CSS on page the toolbar cuts off height. Any ideas?



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Too late but this issue is identified and solve now. Resizing grid is no more supported in our latest version and it causes this issue.

To fix this issue, Kindly remove following from the grid options:

$opt["resizable"] = true;
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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