Issue with showing data coming from a .NET web service

QuestionsIssue with showing data coming from a .NET web service
Darshan Nayak asked 11 years ago

I have an application which fetches all records from a table using a web service.
The service returns the data to php. I have handled all enc-decodings. How do i show that data in the phpgrid.

I use json format. I get data in a single php variable.

Can anyone show me a short sample code about how do i assign this single variable to the grid. Suppose i get 2 fields in the php variable. How do i assign them to the grid????

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


The quickest solution would be to load that json data in php array and then pass that array to phpgrid.
If you are using licensed version, you can check demos/loading/load-array.php demo code.

Currently, it is not available in free version.

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