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QuestionsJoin will not update
Tim Moore asked 2 years ago


I have, for a while, been having issues with updating information in a joined query. I went around this by using an event and adding the information using my own query. Now i am having a problem with that.

As an example on attached code, line 772 returns: Internal Server Error – no value to the ID. However, if  i change line 722: phpgrid_error($data[‘params’][‘jp_date’]); It will return the date of the selected line to edit on save.

If rem out line 772. I get no errors on edit, but the jd_date will not update. this column array is located on line 554-564.

if you un-rem line 778, the change will happen, but not if i replace the job_id=4860 with a variable job_id = ‘$fkid’.

I have the same issue with phpgrid_error($data[‘params’][‘job_id’]); too:  Internal Server Error

This should be a simple thing, but it is turning into a headache. I don’t know why my ID’s are not getting passed to the event. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


My analysis is you need to set job_id to editable as non-editable columns are not posted back to the server.

Line 335

$col["editable"] = true;

Rest code seems ok.

To debug what you are getting inside callback function, set on line 664

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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