Joining Multiple Table and showing in PHP Grid and also saving data in different table from php grid

QuestionsJoining Multiple Table and showing in PHP Grid and also saving data in different table from php grid

1.)While implementing the php Grid view we found problems in joining multiple table and showing its result in the grid.
2.) while saving data to multiple table at the time of edit / Save or Add/Save from Php grid.

please also help me if there is any possibility to save data through 'store procedure'.

Dibyendu Poddar

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


1) You can use $grid->select_command to write custom SQL query with JOINs.
2) To update multiple tables, you have to use custom events (on_insert, on_update, on_delete). In those events you can also call stored procedures. For reference, please check code in demos/editing/custom-events.php

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Van Canh Vu answered 8 years ago


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