Jquery UI tabs on Edit and Add Form

QuestionsJquery UI tabs on Edit and Add Form
Romildo asked 9 years ago

I need to do to integrate jquery tabs (https://jqueryui.com/tabs/) in the form of adding or editing records to separate the fields.
As in http://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/editing/dialog-layout.php example where it is used "section 1", "section 2" to separate the fields. Use "Table 1", "Tab 2" to do the same thing.

If you can publish an example, I am very happy!

I thank everyone! Congratulations for this work you do!

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

The tabs lib works with div elements.
The add/edit dialog is made by <table> so it would be difficult to split the table in 2 parts or div.

Perhaps, you can try using some other tab library that can split table rows in tabs. It would be easier to integrate.

Romildo answered 9 years ago


The use of TABS jquery has been implemented in version 2.0?
How to make scrollbars for the forms to edit or add new records?

Thank you all!

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


Tabs inside form are still not supported.
For scrolling inside form dialog, refer https://phpgrid.desk.com/customer/portal/questions/12816832-customizing-edit-form

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