Keep treegrid expanded

QuestionsKeep treegrid expanded
Melissa asked 5 years ago


Is there any way to keep a treegrid expanded after adding or editing a row? Right now the treegrid gets collapsed after every add/edit, which makes it really tedious if I want to add multiple rows under the same parent. Thanks!

1 Answers
Melissa answered 5 years ago


There was a miscommunication and it’s now clear that this issue was raised before and v2.6.2 has addressed it.

We are running into another error though when rendering our treegrid. The error message points to line 2941 in jqgrid_dist.php, specifically ISNULL(). We’re using Postgres for our db, which doesn’t have that function built-in. Once I comment out the grid options treeGrid and treeConfig the grid renders fine. Can you take a look at this please? Thanks.


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