Keyboard Shortcuts

QuestionsKeyboard Shortcuts
Patricia Lawson asked 11 years ago

Dear Sir,
Can I get some information on how to use keyboard shortcuts to add a row to a grid. Using the mouse to click on + is very time consuming.
Many thanks!

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

You can bind your shortcut keys by adding following lib:

<script src="//"></script>

More help on keys are available on its site:

Next, you will find the ID of button to attach shortcut. Use firebug inspect to hover that button and it would show ID of the element.

e.g. To add 'insert' key with '+' button in toolbar (where list1 is your grid id)

// insert key to add new row
$(document).bind('keyup', 'insert', function(){

Mario answered 9 years ago


is there also a hotkey-skript for "edit"?

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

You can use to connect desired key for edit.

Working code here:

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