Keyboard shortcuts don't work correctly

QuestionsKeyboard shortcuts don't work correctly
Massimo Gagliardi asked 11 years ago

I used the solution that was suggested to another developper.

<script src="//"></script>

// insert key to add new row
$(document).bind('keyup', 'insert', function(){


I used it in the first subgrid of a script that has 1 grid and 2 subgrid.
When I completed the entering of fields, I have errors on fields required, also if those fields are correctly compiled.
Furthermore when I am in the add dialog of master grid or of 2nd subgrid and I click on enter key, opens the add dialog of the first subgrid
How do I do?

Thanks in advance

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hotkeys integration is removed in latest version due to the issues with library.

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