Limit a (inline) input to 4 digits

QuestionsLimit a (inline) input to 4 digits
Stan asked 8 years ago

Hi Abu

I have 2 Questions

1. I have a 4-digits code coloumn in my record, and I want to limit the input to exactely 4 digits, when adding a new record. I don't see a specific limit command, how can i now peform this check ?

2. Is the serverside validation only avaiable in the popup mode ?
I'd like to avoid the popup mode and prefer the inline add method.

Thanks for any help

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

#1, Use html standard way:
$col["editoptions"]["maxlength"] = "4";

You can also use masked input plugin: -> How to mask a field, for example like this: (NN) NNNN-NNNN ? N stands for number.

#2, Server side validation applies on inline add as well and prompt error message.

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