Load new values ​​to "select" types of fields

QuestionsLoad new values ​​to "select" types of fields
Davor Budimir asked 12 years ago

Hello Abu,

I can not solve one situation. In fact I should after insert or update grid load new values ​​to "select" types of fields (combo boxes filled with newly values​​).

I would be very grateful if you help me solve this problem.

Best regards,
Davor Budimir

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


The dynamic loading of select options is not available, infact it's under development.

As an alternate, you can use autocomplete option and it will serve your need by loading the list from server everytime you edit or search. For ref. check the demo (integration > autocomplete)


Talha answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

I am facing the same issue, need to reload the "Select" list. AutoComplete is a good option and it works fine, however in my case, it is required to use a dropdown instead. So do we have fix to this issue ?


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I've updated latest build to have this function.

@Talha, i've emailed you latest build.

Montemaggiore Sebastian answered 10 years ago

Hello Abu. I have the same need. Could you email me that update?. Thanks.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Hello Sebastián,

Your emailed build already have this function.
You can use onload-sql option of dropdown to fetch new data values.

Refer demos/appearance/dropdown-dependent.php for help.

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