Loading Subgrid

QuestionsLoading Subgrid
Alfonso Cabrera asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu!

I'm having a hard time to load a grid with a subgrid.

I have 2 tables.

idGastos_Encabezado PK

idGastos_Detalle PK

$c_id = $_REQUEST["rowid"];
if (empty($c_id)) $c_id = 0;

$g->select_command = "SELECT * FROM gastos_detalle WHERE idGastos_Encabezado = $c_id"

It doesn't display anything.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please share complete code for review.
Either share using pastebin.com OR email me at [email protected]

Best would be to compare your code with demos/master-detail/subgrid.php

Alfonso Cabrera answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu!

I already compared my code to the subgrid.php code but I still not able to load the subgrid in the current grid.

I sent you my code my email, I hope you can help me out.

Thank you.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Case resolved on direct email.
Issue was with the query of subgrid detail page, and identified by opening that page url in browser (not from + sign of grid)

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