Logging bulk edit

QuestionsLogging bulk edit
Boján Mihajlov asked 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to create a custom event which would log all edits on a table. I'm trying to achive it by custom event. It is working flowlessly when I'm updating 1 row. But if I do bulk edit, it only does the custom event once. But I would need it to do it for all the events. So for example, if I update id 1,2,3,4 with bulk edit only id 1 gets into the log table by custom event.
My question is, is it possible to create an event which would add all?

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You will need to explode comma sep ids in case of bulk edit and then perform logging in for loop.
$selected_ids = $data["id"];
$ids = explode(",",$selected_ids)
foreach($ids as $id)

Boján Mihajlov answered 8 years ago

Thanks Abu, it is almost perfect now. There is only one more thing I cannot figure out. When I try to insert to the log, only those fields are inserted where I made change in bulk edit. So example I have this in insert within the foreach:

'progress' => $data["params"]["progress"],
'method' => $data["params"]["method"],
'nga_ticket_nr' => $data["params"]["nga_ticket_nr"],

and I do update only on method, thank progress and nga_ticket_nr fields are not inserted into the log. How could I make it in a way that it inserts every data. (If I do simple update it works, only bulk update does this)

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Only non-blank fields are updated in bulk-edit.

I can't guess the issue in your code.
Please email me code / screen recording of issue for review at [email protected]

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