Long Add & Edit window scrolls but View window does not.

QuestionsLong Add & Edit window scrolls but View window does not.
Darryl Brady asked 8 years ago

When adding/editing/viewing data in a grid that has lots of fields the page that is produced hovers over the main window…

When I am Adding or Editing the the top window moves up and down with the mouse scroll and you can get to the bottom for the Submit/Cancel buttons… great.

but… the View window is rigid and part is off the bottom of the screen. when scrolling the background grid window scrolls but not the View window.

How can I fix this?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

I would recommend to use 4 column or multi-column layout dialog window for add/edit/view so that no scroll is required.
Refer demos/editing/dialog-layout.php

Live: http://www.phpgrid.org/demo/demos/editing/dialog-layout.php > click row and edit

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