Looking for a PHPgrid dev to hire

QuestionsLooking for a PHPgrid dev to hire
Kasparpar asked 8 years ago

Want someone with affordable hourly rate to:

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I have 2 tables and in table1's one field need to display all the items from table 2.

Table 2:
id table1_id attribute value
1 2 attribute1 3
2 1 attribute2 2
3 2 attribute44 88

Table 1:
id name table2_values
1 name1 attribute2=2
2 name2 attribute1=3; attribute44=88

Fillter in table1 (or in table2 if not possible in table1) all items that mach to criteria where attribute1<5 AND attribute44>50 so you see instantly in table1 only the id=2 as the id=1 even doesn't have those attributes.

3. Relational tables where you can click to open another table with that ID.

4. Set up WYSIWYG editor

5. etc. etc.

3 Answers
selectcas.biz answered 8 years ago

Please, add Skype: kasparpalgi

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

I've emailed you details.

David Hamel answered 7 years ago

 I am also looking for a devleoper to do multiple grid setups for me.  Anyone have any interest?  Mostly master/detail grids.
Dave H

Abu Ghufran Staff replied 7 years ago

Hi David,

Please email me your requirements (and database schema if applicable) at [email protected]

David Hamel replied 7 years ago

I did 2 days ago, did you not get?

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