
Azhar asked 6 years ago

Dear Abu Ghufran

I have master gird, within the master grid i have a column namley “eventtypeID”. I have three kind of events eventtypeID=1, eventtypeID=2, eventtypeID=3. Upon click any raw from the master girid i need to show the subgrid based on the value saved on eventtypeID.

for more details:

Master Grid: Events Manager

if eventtypeID = 1 then show conference subgrid.
if eventtypeID = 2 then show workshop subgrid.
if eventtypeID = 3 then show others subgrid.

Is that possible.

Best regards,

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

Yes, thats doable. You can pass eventtypeID to subgrid using subgridparams option. (see demo code)

And in subgrid php code, you can put if / else logic on $_GET[“eventtypeID”] param to generate desired grid on subgrid page.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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