Master-Detail Fancy PK is non-integer

QuestionsMaster-Detail Fancy PK is non-integer
John asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

I have an issue with Master detail fancy when the PK is non-integer.

According to Master-Detail Fancy,
// for non-int fields as PK
// $id = (empty($_GET["rowid"])?0:$_GET["rowid"]);

I have created a same database where the client id is non-integer e.g 1a,2b,3c
(I believe in the demo "client_id" is the PK)

and I have modified these sections

// receive id, selected row of parent grid
$id = (empty($_GET["rowid"])?0:$_GET["rowid"]);
$gender = $_GET["gender"];
$company = $_GET["company"];
$cid = $_GET["client_id"];
function add_client(&$data)
$id = (empty($_GET["rowid"])?0:$_GET["rowid"]);
$data["params"]["client_id"] = $id;

The only difference of the database is that I change the client id value into 1a,2b,3c and set it as varchar in the database.

Are my changes are correct or there are more code that I would need to put in?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I tested with client_id changed to alphanum, and demo works after following changes.

See diff here …

Copy right side code to demo and recheck.

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