Master-Detail Grid: The ID of the grid parent is not passed to the detail grid.

QuestionsMaster-Detail Grid: The ID of the grid parent is not passed to the detail grid.
Montemaggiore Sebastian asked 9 years ago

Hello Abu. I appeal for your help again. I am trying to use a master detail grid and the problem i have is that the id of the grid parent is not passed to the detail grid. I called this id "p_id". I put my code in pastebin:
– Master grid:
– Detail grid:
I use the master-detail grid to keep update three tables in my database. Two of them are entities an the last is a relation between the first two.
I follow the example: subgrid.php and subgrid_detail.php, and i don´t see where is my mistake. Can you take a look to my code?. The interesting part of my code is that i´m using the master-detail grid to implement the relation between two entities and the examples you give use only a strong entitie and a soft entitie. if I resolve this would be great because is very normal that one has to implement relatiosn likes these. Thanks.

9 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Your code looks fine. Try debugging using firebug and see the details of ajax call when you select a row of master grid.
This ajax call actually loads details and pass the params to detail.

Also try replacing:
$p_id = $_REQUEST["rowid"];

$p_id = $_REQUEST["p_id"];

Montemaggiore Sebastian answered 9 years ago

Hello Abu. I could find the error using Firebug as you suggested. The problemas was that in the function the global variable "$p_id" was not visible because all variables in a php function have local scope.
I correct the Pastebin:
– Detail grid:
Thanks for your help again.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Inside function, inside of global $p_id, use:
$p_id = $_REQUEST["rowid"];

Montemaggiore Sebastian answered 9 years ago

I have another question about master-detail subgrid. Is possible to resize subgrid width to for expample 70%?.
thanks again.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

In subgrid_detail.php, you can set width like:

<div style="padding:5px;width:70%">
<?php echo $out; ?>

Montemaggiore Sebastian answered 9 years ago

Hello Abu. I implement your suggestion but unfortunatly it doesn`t work. The subgrid only respond to two events:
– $grid["autoresize"] = true; // 100 %
– $grid["autoresize"] = false; // exact
Do you know another way?.
Thanks for you help an patient.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


$grid["autoresize"] = false;
$grid["autowidth"] = true;

Remove, if any
$grid["width"] = 'xxx';

And where you echo $out, set the width of container div.
We make grid to be full width, and limiting the width of container.

<div style="padding:5px;width:70%">
<?php echo $out; ?>

Montemaggiore Sebastian answered 9 years ago

Hello Abu. It works but not as i was expected. when you resize the browser the grid does not take the width it should have , for example 70 %. Do you know why?.
Thanks again.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


I tested this scemario but currently subgrid auto resize is not fully supported.
I've emailed you updated build, that resizes the grid but not column headers which is incomplete way.

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