master-detail : rowactions showing up only in first record of the detail

Questionsmaster-detail : rowactions showing up only in first record of the detail
peter mostmans asked 12 years ago


I'm setting up a master-detail combination. I don't want to show any rowactions on the master, so I set everything false there.

But I do want to have some rowactions on the detail. The wierd thing is : they are showing up only for the first record shown in the detail, not for the others. Any idea what the problem might be ?


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Peter, can you email me the screenshot and php file. I'm unable to reproduce this case.

peter mostmans answered 12 years ago


I've been able to pinpoint the problem. The problem occurs if the first column in the select statement of the 'select_command' is not the primary key of the table. After I selected the primary key as the first column, it worked fine.


peter mostmans answered 12 years ago

Also, when using column options, you have to make sure the first column is the primary key for making it work.

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