master-detail : trying to update detail

Questionsmaster-detail : trying to update detail
peter mostmans asked 12 years ago


I've been trying to update the detail record in a master-detail. I have two remarks :

1. when trying to select a record for marking for update, the detail reocrds disappear
2. when using the 'edit' rowaction, after pressing enter the Save/Cancel buttons remain on the screen, whereas I would exspect the 'Enter' button to save the reocrd. The Cancel button makes them disappear (which is correct), but when pressing the Save button only makes them dissappear after double-clicking it.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

I've emailed you the updated code. Let me know the results.

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Let me know for further help.

peter mostmans answered 12 years ago

Thanks again for helping me out on this !!!!

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