Master Detail with Master as column-wise

QuestionsMaster Detail with Master as column-wise
Raja Noman asked 10 years ago

Is it possible to display the result of master grid column-wise(with single record at a time) while dealing with master detail records. I would like to achieve desktop master detail look.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I don't understand completely what you mean by desktop master detail.
However, there are 2 ways. One is default mastergrid + detailgrid view.
Alternate is to use Grid + Subgrid view. And your subgrid could be your any php page that shows parent grid detail in your specified php code. The id of parent grid is passed to the subgrid php page, where you can show the details in tabview or any other presentation.

Raja Noman answered 10 years ago

I want to have master grid with column-wise view (single record only) and detail grid as phpgrid is default view(row-wise records)

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

It is currently not supported.
Only 2 options are there.

One is master – detail (both grid view)
Other is master (grid) – detail (custom php page) view

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