Master Details insert misses columns?

QuestionsMaster Details insert misses columns?
Gary Brett asked 10 years ago

Good afternoon Abu, I took the master-detail.php file and edited to reflect my own database/tables.

The master / detail displays correctly but wont insert 2 columns I need. It creates the record with the pk but doesn't add subject or note, cannot for the life of me work out why? I have pasted full code over here if you have time..

function add_client(&$data)
$id = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
$data["params"]["client_id"] = $id;
$data["params"]["subject"] = $subject;
$data["params"]["note"] = $note;


function update_client(&$data)
$id = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
$data["params"]["client_id"] = $id;
$data["params"]["subject"] = $subject;
$data["params"]["note"] = $note;



1 Answers
Gary Brett answered 10 years ago

Please ignore Abu, I seen my mistake now and fixed 🙁

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