Master refresh on subgrid update

QuestionsMaster refresh on subgrid update
Alberto asked 10 years ago


I've a master and a detail grid (subgrid). When I change detail grid (add/edit or delete), I refresh parent grid using:

$detailopt["add_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); return [true, ''];}";
$detailopt["edit_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); return [true, ''];}";
$detailopt["delete_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function() jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); return [true, ''];}";

The parent is ok, the row that I've been modifying is selected, but subgrid is "frozen". It shows the detail, but add/edit/delete buttons are inactive.


10 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Try adding these lines.

Get parent selected row, reload, make parent row selection.

var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
return [true, ''];

Alberto answered 10 years ago


It doesn't works. The result is the same. It reloads parent grid, parent row is selected but add/edit/delete buttons in detail grid are inaccessible.

In detail grid events (Invoice detail):

$e["on_insert"] = array("add_det_invoice", null, true);
$e["on_after_insert"] = array("fnRefreshTotalValuesInvoice",null, false);
$e["on_after_update"] = array("fnRefreshTotalValuesInvoice",null, false);
$e["on_after_delete"] = array("fnRefreshTotalValuesInvoice",null, false);

function add_det_invoice(&$data)
$id = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
$data["params"]["idinvoice"] = $id;

function fnActualizaVenta(&$data)
$id = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
// mysql_query updating total values in Invoice

In detail grid options:

$detailopt["add_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('setSelection',selr,true); return [true, ''];}";
$detailopt["edit_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('setSelection',selr,true); return [true, ''];}";
$detailopt["delete_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('setSelection',selr,true); return [true, ''];}";

Alberto answered 10 years ago


function fnRefreshTotalValuesInvoice(&$data)
$id = intval($_GET["rowid"]);
// mysql_query updating total values in Invoice

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

If you are using subgrid, you can simple enable auto-expand last opened subgrid on refresh.

add persist settings include files and jscode

And in detail code, connect aftersave and aftersubmit events to reload parent.

// reload parent on update
$grid["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); }";
// reload parent on add
$grid["add_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); return [true, ''];}";

Complete code here … you can replace in demos/master-detail folder and check.

Subgrid code:
Detail code:

Alberto answered 10 years ago

I have a master detail grid.
Master grid –> Invoice header data (date, client, total values)
Detail Grid –> Invoice lines (description, quantity, price, tax….)

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Put the last selection call in setTimeout function. All rest seems fine.

// reload master after detail update
$opt["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); setTimeout( function(){jQuery('#list1').setSelection(selr,true);},500 ); }";


Alberto answered 10 years ago

Hi, Abu!

I'm doing something wrong….

Screen capt:


Alberto answered 10 years ago

Abu, in your code, when a detail line in grid is modified or added, if you select another line (in master or detail) and edit or adds a new one, edit form shows the data of the line edited/added before.

Alberto answered 10 years ago

I have it!

In detail grid options:

$detailopt["add_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){ var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); setTimeout( function(){jQuery('#list1').setSelection(selr,true);},500 ); return [true, ''];}";
$detailopt["edit_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){ var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); setTimeout( function(){jQuery('#list1').setSelection(selr,true);},500 ); return [true, ''];}";
$detailopt["delete_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){ var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); setTimeout( function(){jQuery('#list1').setSelection(selr,true);},500 ); return [true, ''];}";

//$detailopt["onAfterSave"] = "function(){ var selr = jQuery('#list1').jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); jQuery('#list1').trigger('reloadGrid',[{jqgrid_page:1}]); setTimeout( function(){jQuery('#list1').setSelection(selr,true);},500 ); }";

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

If you are using dialog based editing, afterSubmit event will work.
In case of inline editing, onAfterSave will be required.

Glad to know it's resolved.

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